Delegate Lionell Spruill has recently come into controversy for supporting candidates for statewide office based on how big a check they can write him personally (Brian Moran for $10,000 a month and Jon Bowerbank for god only knows how much). Lionell isn't an accomplished legislator (his bills usually revolve around banning such things as rubber testicles), has a knack for causing absolute chaos in the House Democratic Caucus, and has a reputation as being... to put it kindly... less than a scholar. Yet, he somehow manages to rake in huge kickbacks from Virginia candidates and got himself elected to the DNC (probably connected). However, the video below (which was posted by Republican House Speaker Howell) is even lower than you would expect from him.
But on the House Floor today he showed his true colors. He said he will support a Republican redistricting in 2010 because they did such an amazing job in 2000 (no shit)! In fact, regarding bipartisan redistricting he said "I WILL SUPPORT REPUBLICANS EVERY TIME... WE WOULD BE CRAZY TO NOT SUPPORT WHAT THE REPUBLICANS ARE DOING"... "You want to draw lines that are fair... I say NO NO NO!!!". He claims that the Republican redistricing is better because it helped elect more African Americans.
Spruill is WRONG in his idea that Republican redistricting elects more African American. When Democrats redistrict, they create districts that are just barely African American (60%); while Republicans cram as many African Americans into one district as possible (80-90%). There is no difference in the number of African Americans elected, there is however a huge difference in the number of Democrats elected (see below).
2000 Redistricting done by REPUBLICANS (as measured by the 2001 election)
64 Republicans
8 African Americans
1990 Redistricing done by DEMOCRATS (as measured by the 1991 election)
59 Democrats
8 African Americans
Lionell has his head up his you know what, no wonder he opposes Creigh Deeds (except that Creigh wouldn't cut him a check like Brian Moran has). This could be a HUGE liability for House Democrats whose only hope of a majority is getting to 51 seats this November. If Lionell flips to the Republicans when it comes time to redistrict, it will probably mean another 10 years of a Republican House majority.