Promoting progress in Virginia by shining

a spotlight on the business leaders, activists,

and ideas moving us ahead.

Strategy Papers

NDP has released two Strategy Papers, in public events, with more to come.  Please see below for PDFs of the Papers and video of the events:

““The Engine for the Future: Taking Higher Ed to the Next Level in Virginia”

Video here of panel in Richmond with Mike Signer, Chair, NDPPAC, Senator Barbara Favola, Senator John Edwards, and Dak Hardwick of the Harris Corporation, March 21, 2012

“The Urgency of Excellence: Opportunity and Equity in Virginia’s K-12 System”

Video here of panel in Arlington with Mike Signer, Chair, NDDPAC, Abby Raphael, Chair, Arlington County School Board, Dr. Kitty Boitnott, President, Virginia Education Association, Andy Rotherham, Partner, Bellwether Education Partners, and Dmitri Mehlhorn, COO, Students First.

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